How to avoid Procrastination


All of us have an aim in life if you are a student studying in a college you have to complete your assignments on time, if your exams are approaching, you will promise yourself that you will do your best to prepare for the exams, so that you can have a good score. If you need a job, then you want to prepare for a job. Actually, we desire as soon what we want to achieve but we don’t really do what we ought to. There’s an inherent feeling that tells you not today but tomorrow, for now it’s okay to relax for a while on Instagram, watch a comedy video on YouTube or Facebook. while we put off things for tomorrow, we end up wasting time. Whereas today and tomorrow never arrives. There is an English word termed as Procrastination.

Why do human procrastinate 

In this article you will get to know psychology behind procrastination and find the real solution

In this article, I am not giving you any motivation because I believe that motivation is a short-lived phenomenon. If you feel motivated after watching a video and start working powered with that motivation you will work well for the next few hours or for few days but then the motivation would come crash down, and you stop working.

We need to dig deeper, think about the things you procrastinate about, when you have prepared for an exam or for a job interview you procrastinate. But have you ever procrastinated while scrolling on Instagram or while watching a comedy video on YouTube.  NO Never!

We procrastinate for an office project or for exercising, basically we procrastinate when it is something important. Something that requires a lot of effort. Either physical, mental or emotional effort. we want to replace that task with something that is easier and more interesting for us such as browsing on social media or watching a film.

Here deadlines play an important role. If there is deadline for our task wherein, we need to finish it before the deadline we procrastinate until we reach the deadline. Suppose we have to make a presentation and submit it tomorrow, even this morning, you will feel like procrastinating and scrolling through Instagram only for 5 minutes before you are being the project and we are very familiar with how the 5 minutes turn into hours but before the deadline anyhow you have to complete your work. when it is time to sleep, you start making the presentation, you stay awake the whole night and work on it till last minute. In second scenario, what happens when there are no deadlines in that case procrastination may continue infinitely.

Procrastination is not only about lifetime regret, but it also brings in stress, anxiety and depression as well. the thing you want to do and the thing you are doing, if there is a huge gap between the two things will be a mental conflict within you that is called cognitive dissonance.

There are four theories behind it-

  1.        Expectancy theory

According to this theory the motivation of a person to do a task depends upon the expectation of the person with the result. If there is low chance of getting success, then there is less motivation for a particular work

2.  2.  Need theory

  There are three types of needs of people-

Need for achievement

Need for affiliation

Need for power

If you are given a task that matches your psychological needs, you will be more motivated to do it

3. cumulative prospect theory

4. Hyperbolic Discounting Theory

This theory basically tells that we want to work for those work, which have the rewards and can get immediately as compared that we can get after some time.

According to this combined theory i.e. Meta theory, you will get the motivation to work, when your personal need matches the work and the reward of the work. When except that you can actually do the task and win the rewards. When the reward you get after completing the task is higher than your reference line and the rewards means something to you and finally you want the reward as soon as possible without much delay.

What is the solution

   The solution to avoid procrastination can be found in these theories. Behind the procrastination there might be several reasons like low expectation, different needs and fear of failure the thing is that once you understand these causes and use it to identify the reason you procrastinate, why you put off working on things you should not, then you can cure a solution yourself.

First of all, empty your thoughts and take a pen and paper and ask yourself why you are procrastinating and write down the cause. The half solution is to identify the problem. If you are preparing for a long-term project and the reward seems very far-fetched then you need to divide the process into small steps. After each step, give yourself a small reward so that you can get some instant gratification. If you are scared about taking an important decision, if you are afraid of failing then remember that not trying is worse than failing. We scared that if we fail, what would the others say so stop thinking about others, do whatever you love!


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