How to Start a Blog


 If you search on internet what are the best ways to earn online, you will get two very common results one of them is YouTube and an another one is Blogging.

In this article we will talk about blogging, that is, How you can make a career in blogging and make your own identity including a good Earning.

What is blogging

In previous ear where internet was not so much popular, people used to write their daily events/work in a Physical Diary but now a days we all have a good internet connectivity. People use internet as Digital Diary to write their daily events or share their thoughts/article/News. Blogging is very much similar to Digital Diary which I have discussed. We use to write our thoughts on Internet and readers can access it.

How it works

Whenever if you are searching for something, first you open any search engine (like Google) where you search your keyword, Google shows all the related keywords which you are interested about.

This is fact that, as Google is just a search Engine it doesn’t provide any information form his own side, They just search Millions of website/Blogs which contains your keywords and show you the relevant results on their homepage now you can click and visit your desire website.

Blogging and website

Blogging is like a dynamic website in which articles are being update that is the owner of the blog must have to write their own article either daily or atleast monthly so that Google can list and index his blog in their search. Whenever anyone search related to your post article, Google will show your blog in his homepage. Unlike Blog Website is not a dynamic i.e it doesn’t required too much update time to time.

Who can make a Blog

If you have knowledge of computer and internet, a good writing skills of any languages and  a good knowledge of any specific field which you can share continuously then congrats you can start your own blog today. If you are a student or teacher or any other profession, You can do it as a part time job.

How to start a free blog

There are several blogging website available on Internet, choose according to your use, your budget and your compatibility. Here are the some websites which allows you to write your own blog

Blogger is a free service owned by Google, where you can create your own blog by using you Gmail account.
     First you have to create a new account , choose your desire domain name (if available) and go for some basics settings according to your need. There are several Tutorials available on youTube you can go through it. 

Naming of your blog

If we talk about naming of the blog. it should be connected with your personality or your subject. Avoid long and complex name, I will suggest you to don’t use your own name instead use a short and easy to pronounce. While choosing a name you must have knowledge that what are the topics you are including in the blog. For example if you are thinking to start a blog based on health then choose a word related to health.
it is important to note that, if you are using it free there are some limitations like you can’t choose your own domain name but still it is good for beginners or learner.

Topics/Niches for blogging

Choose your topic in such a way that you have a good knowledge about it and you can write more and more number of posts on that topic for a long time. Remember no topic is best or worst, just choose the topic according to you interest.

While writing a post, try to include some keywords related to your post which are most searched in the search engines. There are many free and paid keywords tool available on internet with search volume you can go through it. You can also use Google trends to find the most searched keywords. 

Here are the some most popular topics

1. Hobbies

  • Gardening 
  • Drawing
  • Art and Craft
  • Music
  • Writing
  • Photography
  • Fashion Designing
  • Interior Design
  • Traveling
  • Quotes

2. Technology

3. Education

4. Health

  • Weight loss
  • Diets
  • Nutrition
  • Meditation
  • Skin care
  • Ayurveda
  • Beauty Care
  • Yoga
5. Food and Cooking
  • Recipe
  • Kitchen tips
  • Movie review
  • TV/OTT shows
  • Movies Facts 
  • Lyrics
  • Movie Dialogue
Now, If you have start your blog successfully, you are posting our content daily or weekly and if you have sufficient traffics (Traffics is technical word which means that the number of user visiting and reading your post) then its time to Earn money. If you want to convert your labor and skills into earning you have to apply for Google AdSense.
Google AdSense is the platform owned by Goggle which allows you to put the advertisement on your blog. If you have got Google ads approval, your blog is now ready to show ads and you can optimize your ads through Google Ads settings. Google AdSense have several types of scheme for generating your revenue.
If you have not get approval, don't be stop your work, find your errors which have you done. Avoid coping your content from another places, create your own content. It might be take time 5-6 months or sometimes years depends upon your hard work and how much time you are spending on it.

What are the benefits of blogging

  • You can share your knowledge from sitting at home over the world.
  • If you are good at writing you can make your own identity and value among the people.
  • You can make your career in blogging, if you get sufficient traffic on your Blog you can apply for Google AdSense. That is , you can also Make money from Blogging.


Its Easy to start a blog, many of you might be done it before but it is difficult to be continue on it. People start their blog and expecting that he is going to Earn from next 2-3 months, but it never happens at the end they stop working on it. So i will suggest you to stop thinking like that, If you want to be a successful blogger you must have long term plan and dedication for it. All the Best 

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